What's your 
What's your 
What's your 

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These questions are golden to me. Through a step by step creative process, together we will unravel, reveal and realize your brand's core messaging and more.






By always lifting the cap on creativity in everything we do, our 5 specialized offerings are what we believe are fundamental in birthing and nurturing your brand.

Authentic Copywriting

Whether it's composing from scratch or combing through and editing existing writing material, my Authentic Copywriting service is here for multipurpose copy needs on micro and macro scales. Yes that's right - website, socials, decks, bios and more.

Shape your brand with compelling graphics from start to finish. The Graphic Design portion consists of moodboarding and eventually making the brand's fabric so it feels on par with your values and voice. Enjoy a refreshing logo, typography chart, catchy color scheme and template suggestions. Enjoy working with my in-house graphic design expert, Christine Lopez.

Graphic Design

Digital Curation

Once you collect your assets, you'll need to curate it all! That's where I step in. Through a mix of art direction and content styling, Digital Curation is that sweet spot where your writing and graphics meet and it feels just right. Think social media calendars, website presentation and any other digital platforms that require some curatorial love and attention.


Community Building

Concept Development

Whether it's composing from scratch or combing through and editing existing writing material, our Authentic Copywriting service is here for multipurpose copy needs on micro and macro scales. Yes that's right - website, socials, decks, bios and more.

Get your creative juices flowing in an interactive series of online or presencial Concept Development 1:1 sessions that open up the space for you brainstorm, spar ideas and eventually identify exactly what you seek to emphasize. Our shared goal is to distill your brand's essence and develop pertinent concepts that ring true to you and your audience.


= Julien Beltzung (YokoO) - Satya Recs Founder

In the realm of brand management, Ty is an artist divine, crafting a symphony of content, so perfectly aligned. With every stroke of creativity, she paints a captivating tale.
Where brand values and identity dance in a love so prevail.

Ty's Testimonials


Elias Holtz, Weso Architects Co-Founder 

We love working with Ty and her team. She has an amazing, deep and creative mind that helped us a lot in terms of developing the brand behind our architecture studio. We call her "Magic words TyTy"



- Rose Biel

"Ty's artistry and organization is refreshing and fun to work with." 



Let your Brand be Born

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Interested in working together? I definitely am. Request up a discovery call for us to bounce around ideas and explore next steps forward.

I am an empathic desert dweller who loves everything to do with art and design. I am all about creating memorable and visual brand identities. Born in Alaska now living in the Baja I made it my everyday purpose to bring brands to life. 

Christine Ray